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Cancun,  Mexico- Here we see typical 12" signals and usually 2-3 heads per approach. The signal here is a pedestrian signal that is undergoing some repair to get it to run again.  It is probably just a fuse.



Another Mexican signal showing  the dual red indications to better warn the motorist of pedestrians crossing. Note the rather large pedestrian signals.


Close up shot showing the plastic construction of the signals and the different looking lenses. Most signals in Mexico are painted yellow, and use a rapid flashing green indication just prior to the change to yellow.



Bogotá, Columbia- Signals here are normally 8” signals, but one can sometimes find 12” signals.  Signal heads are black, though in Medellin, they are silver (as are the mast arms). (Photo by Timothy Forbes)



Lima, Peru- Interesting  mast arm design in this picture of a Peruvian signal.




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