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(Photos by Darren Hodges)

This is an example of an older installation with the cantilever style mast arm. Note the 7 lamp signal below with the 5 lamp above. This is a protective/ permissive signal for both directions.


A Closer view of the 7 lamp signal.



A typical mast arm in Australia with an unusual 9 lamp signal below. This example is on the Burwood Highway. No, this picture is not reversed...Australia, like Britain uses the left side of the roadway.


A close-up view of a typical Australian signal. The signals look similar to American ones.





Red and white striped poles used to be used at all crossings near schools. VicRoads appear to have stopped repainting them this way and most still left are getting rather tatty. This is an older installation. The former yellow paint is showing through the black. Older signals also had the target board behind the signal.



Here is, what I believe is a record... 12 lamp signals! St Kilda Road,  Melbourne. All stop!


There is a tramway junction here as well as the crossroad. So there are 6 lamp tram and 6 lamp traffic signals on the one post. Tram signals have red and yellow T's and  white arrows.

View from the tram stop looking towards the Shrine of Remembrance. There is a special tram signal in the foreground that has a horizontal, diagonal and vertical white bar instead of red yellow and green. This indicates which way the track is set.

This odd arrow signal is for a lane just before a major intersection. It prevents traffic turning right or doing a U turn at certain times when the adjacent intersection would make this too dangerous.



This yellow signal is an old pedestrian crossing warning light. These just flash yellow alternately as a caution. Only Victoria ever had these to the best of my knowledge. Other states just used the yellow walking legs sign. The sign here is a modern one. Old ones had the word CROSSING above the legs and earlier versions also showed lines on the road. By the way. The box above the lights reads EAGLE TRAFFIC CONTROL.



New Zeeland

(Photos by Alan Hamilton)

A typical restrictive signal in Auckland. Note that since traffic drives on the left side of the roadway, a left turn is equivalent to a North American right turn. Turns on red are not allowed in New Zealand. The red arrow is to give pedestrians a chance to cross without conflicting traffic.


A typical pedestrian detector. The arrow plate vibrates when the walk signal is on, for the benefit of vision-impaired pedestrians. Normally the pedestrian signals are dark until a button is pressed. Then, the "Don't Walk" symbol lights. After going through the "Walk" and flashing phase, the pedestrian signals go dark again.




Urban street scene downtown. Note the protected right-turn signals. Despite driving on the left, for some reason this signal pole is over the right lane.


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