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ALABAMA- Alabama installations use mono-tube arms with yellow 12" signal heads hanging from span wire mountings. This enables them to move in high winds and keep pressure off of the attachment. This example is located in Mobile. (Photo by Alex Nitzman)


CONNECTICUT- Unusual signals abound in the Northeast and this signal is no exception! To save on signal heads, this signal displays the red for through movements and the green arrow for protected right turns! Pretty fascinating...and confusing for out-of-towners! (Photo by Paul DaSilva)

Another great view of a typical Connecticut signal. This one stands guard at the unusually large intersection of Southbound 195 and North Edgeville Road. Note the use of 12" green arrow below smaller 8" sections. (Photo by Sean Csiki) Another CT. Link Here.


DELAWARE- Here is a simple diagonal span wire installation that is typically used in Delaware's older installations. Note how two directions of traffic are served by the one wire span. Unfortunately, this type of installation can present problems for the motorist to be able to see the signal when stopped on the approach that has the steeper signal viewing angle. Usually this can be reduced by setting the limit line further upstream of the intersection.

Another older Delaware installation. Typical all 8 inch signal array dating from the mid-1960's that is found in abundance along Wilmington, Delaware streets.   This particular intersection
is found along Maryland Avenue in the southwest corner of the city. (Photo by Rush Wickes)

Here is a newer installation with the signals in both directions mounted on a single mast arm. This is used mostly on "T" intersections where the side road terminates into the main artery. The left turn pocket signals are mounted on their own mast arm. (Photo by Alex Nitzman)


This is a photo of a new installation of a signal system at an intersection in Elsmere, DE along Kirkwood Highway (Delaware Route 2).
This fixed mast arm system recently replaced a conventional x wire configuration which had been in place for about 12 years or so.   DelDOT is using the mast arm for network wide replacements in areas where traffic calming and pedestrian friendly measures are being introduced.

A VERY rare installation in Delaware where backplates are used. This and another installation in southern Delaware, are the only places in Delaware where backplates are used. (Photo by I.C. Ligget)



FLORIDA- This is an example of Florida's "span wire" signals. The typical installation is heavy steel wire strung between tall concrete "strain" poles located on each corner. This is a less expensive installation than a mast arm type, but is subject to more maintenance and weather problems.

Another example of the Florida installation. This is known as a "box span" installation, as the signals "form a box" around the intersection. As with many other states, Florida doesn't use back plates around the signal heads. Both of these pictures are located on Atlantic Ave. in Fernandia Beach, which is on Amelia Island about 30 miles northeast of Jacksonville.
(Photos by Mark Furqueron)

Florida has recently begun changing over to mast arm installations.  This is a good example of some of the lengths of mast arms being used. (Photo by Pete Yauch)


Here is a picture of a fancy signal assembly in Naples, FL.  The assembly is a mast arm with Texas-style mounted signal heads.  To match the area facade, the pole is painted yellow.  Notice to the round base of the vertical support mast and the pinnacle on top. (Photo by J. Nasiatka)


GEORGIA- Generally, Georgia's signal installations are of the "box type" variety which use their own vertical strain poles. This example however makes use of existing utility poles, both metal and wood, as the strain poles to suspend the span wire! This is a very good example of a "custom" installation! (Photo by Dee Taylor)


KENTUCKY- Here is a typical signal in Kentucky with the use of span wire. Kentucky's signals are always painted black and always use the cutaway visors for the red and green indication and the full visor for the yellow indication.


Lexington, KY - Lexington has started using the mono-tube arm installation for its signals as well as LED's for all the indications. Also, they have continued with the cutaway visors for the red and green indications and the full visor for the yellow indication.


Lexington, KY - This picture is taken on Nicholasville Road where lane signals are used to guide motorists into which lanes they can use depending on the time of day. In the morning more lanes are open for more traffic heading into downtown. In the evening more lanes are open for the additional traffic heading away from downtown by the use of these lane signals.


MAINE- This is what a new installation in Maine looks like. This is one of many types of standard Maine uses. They have a variety of brands like McCain (mostly used), LFE/Automatic, Eagle and some Econolite and most are aluminum out of all the brands. They use a variety of colors to, like dark green, black, and the Massachusetts color combo (yellow visors and house with black door, like the one in the photo). New signals are mast arm/pole mount and the older signals are span wire. Almost all Maine signals have been replaced with LED's.

This is what a current day Maine style flashing beacon intersection looks like. Now Maine has the tendency to use one too many beacons. On a small lightly traveled highways, and even some small more minor roads, have 2 flashing 12 inch beacons with LED's. Some cases, there may not even need a beacon at all! This is found on US 1 in Freeport.

This is what the classic Maine style signal intersection looks like. They used either aluminum LFE/Automatic signals or aluminum Eagle "bubble-backs", both with a dark green color. They also were mounted on span wires that looks temporary, because the wires are suspended on telephone poles!!! Some are on trusses like New Jersey uses. This one is found on US 1 in Yarmouth. (Photos by I.C. Ligget)

MARYLAND- Maryland uses similar installation techniques for most mast arm and span wire mounting as other states. Their signals are usually painted yellow and they use 12" signal sections almost exclusively. This picture also shows the "Doghouse style" 5 light protective/permissive signal. (Photo by Tony Lenzi)

Here is a very unusual sight in Baltimore, MD that has two left turn signal heads hanging from the same assembly.  Location: North Avenue Eastbound @ Greenmount Avenue. (Photo by JP Nasiatka)

Here is a view of a double mast arm span. (Photo by Michael Mason)

This fire signal is a bit unusual because of the 8" flashing amber section that flashes when everything is "normal". When the signal is activated, it proceeds to the yellow clearance and red stop intervals just like a standard signal. (Photo by Tony Lenzi)


MASSACHUSETTS- Signal arrangements in this state are somewhat similar to other states, with the notable exception of the two-way signals connected together, hanging from a single point on the wire shown here. This makes replacement a little more tricky, but saves on the hang points! (Photo by Paul DaSilva)


MICHIGAN- This signal (on U.S. 2 in Ironwood) is a typical Michigan signal installation: Cable hung diagonally over the intersection, with two assemblies of lights each pointing in four directions. Variations seen include a third light assembly in the middle where the "left turn" sign is here. This third assembly has an illuminated "LEFT" sign on the top but has "ball" indications rather than arrow lights controlling left turn traffic. The left turn signals most always have the illuminated [LEFT] sign above them, as do any "protected" directions -- [RIGHT] is common.  Less common is [THRU], which is normally used in conjunction with a single green arrow signal head which is always on, at an intersection where only one lane (i.e. the [LEFT] is controlled.   Also, very common in Michigan is the "flashing red left turn light".  At intersections where a "protective/permissive" left turn signal is not used, and it is safe to do so, a standard three head is used.  During the "protective" phase, the green arrow is illuminated.  During the "permissive" phase, the red ball flashes.  This is treated like a standard red flasher for the left lane only, where one must stop and proceed if safe.  This is generally used at most intersections, except for those with exceptionally fast oncoming traffic, unsafe/blind visibility intersections, or signals controlling a double lane left turn. Less common, but not rarely seen is another auxiliary light assembly (but with 8-inch rather than the standard 12-inch lenses) on the support pole on the far right corner. (Photo by Steve Riner, and additional information by Bill Cahill)


MISSISSIPPI- Here is an example of a signal installation in Mississippi. They are span wire mounted and frequently use the protected/permissive method for left turn traffic. This example is at Hwy 493 and North Hills St. in Meridian. (Photo by Adam Froehlig)


NEW HAMPSHIRE- This is what a typical New Hampshire flasher beacon looks like. The beacons have the Massachusetts color combo (yellow visors and housing with a black door) on a span wire. The thing is, almost half the population of traffic signals in New Hampshire are flasher beacons!!!

This is what the current style of New Hampshire signals look like: the Massachusetts color combo (yellow visors and housing with black foors) with backplates on a mast arm. Signals in more modern areas or richer areas have all dark green or all black signals on a mast arm. Those signals are the same color as the mast arm!

Here is an oddity, because New Hampshire only installs span wire with flasher beacons and temporary signals! This is actually not temporary. (Photos by I.C. Ligget)


NEW JERSEY- New Jersey uses truss type mast arms in most of their installations.

Another view of New Jersey's truss arm signals, located in Atlantic City. Also of note is the frequent use of double truss masts on a single pole. (Photos by Alex Nitzman)



NEW YORK- Here are several examples of the signals used in New York state.  Most state DOT signals are span wire mounted and in New York City, signals are trombone mounted from opposite corners.  Also, sometimes a ground, pole mounted signal will be used as pictured here.

Other N.Y. Links: 1, 2, 3, 4



NORTH CAROLINA- Many signals here are span wire mounted,  yellow in color, and utilize the larger 12" head. Signals pictured are from Lehighton, NC.  (Photos by Allan Poplin)



OHIO- Typical Ohio installation.  Many signals are hung on span wires.  Doghouse signals are used very frequently and many times do not have signage (such as Left Turn Yield on Green) to go with them.  Back plates are rarely used.

This Youngstown intersection has a fifth point which requires an additional cycle for that signal alone.


A rare protected-only left turn signal from Boardman, Ohio.  This intersection is a slight grade (another rarity in Ohio) prompting the use of this type of signal.  Note the lack of any identification for the right turn signal. (Photos by Andrew Zeranick) Click here for more Ohio pictures



PENNSYLVANIA-SSpan wire installation in Ellwood City.  While Pennsylvania often uses span wires to hang signals, mast arm installations are found in some places.

Downtown Pittsburgh signal.  About half of the signals in downtown Pittsburgh have been replaced with all-black signals such as these.  The rest are still older yellow signals, making for an interesting mixture.

Older pole installation in Ambridge.  This particular town has not updated most of its signals for decades. (Photos by Andrew Zeranick) Click here for more Pennsylvania pictures

A new Pennsylvania installation. Like all other states, Pennsylvania is switching over to LED's. Eagle Durasig's are now being installed all over Pennsylvania. If not that, then McCain brand or TCT brand. (Photo by I.C. Ligget)


RHODE ISLAND- Typical Rhode Island span wire install. Signals outside the metro RI areas typically include all yellow signals (newer signals have back plates) on either span wire or mast arm. Almost all signals in RI have been upgraded to LED's. The span wires at minor intersections just use a diagonal type like the one shown here and span wire mount signals at larger intersections are usually in a box type.


Here is the new style of Rhode Island signals which include yellow Eagle Mark IV signals with back plates and LED's. In Rhode Island, you will probably never find a doghouse signal. RI usually either installs a protected left turn signal like shown here or a protected permissive left signal (the 4 section type). Therefore, RI is definitely not color-blind friendly because they won't see the green/yellow color change in the 2 color arrow in the bottom section! (Photos by IC Ligget)



SOUTH CAROLINA- Most of South Carolina's signals are similar to Florida's in installation methods...with a few notable exceptions, like the one pictured above. This one is located in Charleston and has been retrofitted onto an old lamp post. South Carolina has also has just fully converted to LED units in the red signals. Here in this view, we see the matrix of tiny LED's that make up the red "ball" signal. (Photos by Paul Stanford)


Here is the more unusual sight of a South Carolina mast arm signal. This one is in Florence, S.C. (Photo by JP)


Another view of South Carolina signals. This shows a more typical installation with the 5 light doghouse signal for protective/ permissive movements.






TENNESSEE- Span wire installations are common here with this example being in Memphis. Tennessee uses a lot of 12" signals along with 12" and 8" combo signals together on the span. This intersection is at Elvis Presley Blvd. and Brooks Rd. (Photo by Christopher Knight)


VERMONT- This is an unusually short mast arm installation in Vermont for the narrower streets. Many times the side mounted signal in these installations will be mounted higher for increased visibility around parked larger vehicles or high foliage.


Here is an older installation in Vermont. Note that they use external terminal boxes (the small boxes located at the top of the signal on the wire) to connect the individual signals to the system. (Photos by Alex Nitzman)


VIRGINIA- The two examples of a Virginia signal shown here are located in the same city...Alexandria. It shows both the newer mast arm and the older span wire installations.



Another view of a pole mounted Virginia signal. Virginia likes to use yellow signals with cutaway or cap visors.





Here is an unusual signal practice that was carried out by the town of Christiansburg here in Virginia for some period of time (not evident on newer signals). They would bundle together their through lane signals at intersections, rather than hanging them individually.    Why this was done, I am not sure. The intersection here is on US Route 11 at Main St. (Photo by Rush Wickes)


WASHINGTON, D.C.- This is a view of a typical DC signal. They are usually painted dark green or blue-grey and use the 12" heads. Also note the ornate pole and fancy pinnacle at the top of the signal.





WEST VIRGINIA- Taken in Newell, West Virginia.  One of only two signals there.  It seems that the smaller towns of the West Virginia panhandle make use of  12-8-8 signals, at least on the side streets.  This town preferred to throw them all around this intersection.  Span wire installations dominate these areas as well.


An example of the unusual doghouse signals used here.  This picture was taken in Weirton, WV.  Weirton seems to use mostly span wire installations, with mast arm exceptions such as this peppered throughout.


Another example of the unusual doghouse signals.  Also a double-red "alien" signal.  This particular installation is extraordinarily bizarre, with doghouse signals, a protected-only left turn, and 4-lens protected/permissive signals (not shown), all used and set up on one long span wire. (Photos by Andrew Zeranick)



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